INFINICON with Darwin Prophet & The Chronus Mirror

Crowne Plaza Hotel , 14315 Midway Road, Addison, TX

Fri @ 9pm: Darwin & The Great War Cycle; an intimate solo show debuting the songs from "SHELL" a musical of true events in WW1 *** Sat @10pm Darwin Prophet and The Chronus MIrror presents "Fanned Out & Filked" an acoustic setting with a focus on fandom with songs for The Doctor,Firefly, Sherlock, and all Hitchhikers from every Galaxy. INFINICON: Fans gather every August to participate, communicate, and engage with their communities of fandom. The three day summertime convention provides a venue for interaction, education, discussions, and friendly competition. Technical arts from costume design to podcasting share event space with gaming tournaments and guests from media and industry. Fans too diverse to be pinned into traditional stereotypical groups come together as united voices - a society of information, friendship, and cause. Infinicon celebrates geek, pulp, and popular cultures.